Revd A Roux

I am a Methodist Presbyter appointed to serve as superintendent of the South Kent circuit

A cradle Methodist I moved, with my family, from South Africa in 2015 to serve the Methodist Church in Britain and to help spread social holiness and the good news of Jesus here.  Our family is a wonderful mix of South African, Irish and British with relatives all over the globe.

I was ordained in 2003, and have subsequently been awarded a Master’s degree in Theology and an Executive Masters of Business Administration degree. In the interim I have served the church as presbyter, superintendent minister, district statistics officer, district mission officer, regional training officer, regional training coordinator, seminary lecturer, and on various church and school boards, and have led numerous social justice projects wherever I have been stationed.  Those experiences and qualifications are not as important as what lies ahead.

Behind it all is an underlying calling to work for hope, peace and justice.  This is held together by a passion for justice; a great desire to see people grow in their faith; and to see a deepening of that faith, taking the opportunity to partner with God in establishing God’s kingdom, on earth, just like it is in heaven.

I am married to Stephanie.  We have three children, Josie, Nyx and Ethan, and a Labrador, Rusty.  I spend some of my spare time nurturing a tank full of sea water, so that the fish and corals in it might survive – maybe even thrive.

I look forward to journeying with you, as we discover how best to live out and work out the good news of Jesus, in Kent, in the UK and in the 21st century.